87. Explain the procedure followed by a financial planner.
Professional financial help goes far beyond picking the right stocks . Hiring an advisors arms an individual with the expertise and resources to approach a plan to decide ones financial future.This coaching and support can help one smoothly endure and make the most of the circumstance in life, career , marriage , children, assets , liabilities , etc. Consumers seek the advice of financial professional for a lot of reasons . A good financial advisor works for the investors to develop a game plan that fits their financial circumstances and tailors a plan to accomplish their goals . Financial advisors take an overall look on the financial pictures of the investors - all their incomes and liabilities . They want a complete picture of what the investors ' financial position is , so that they can draw a map of where the investors are and where they want to go. A financial professional provides the emotional discipline required to sucessfully implement the plans so made . He provides direction, assurance , help, support and stability to reach the desired destination.
Ans : A good financial advisor works for the investors to develop a game plan that fits their financial circumstance and tailors a plan to accomplish their goals . Financial advisors take an overall look on the financial picture of the investors -all their incomes and liabilities . They want a complete picture of what the investors' financial position is, so that they can draw a map of where the investors are and where they want to go.