• 80.'' There is need to change their perpective on the subject and understand the risk and return profiles very clearly.'' In this context , explain the tools used to arrive at the risk-adjusted return score.

    Ans: The tools used for arriving at the risk-adjusted return score are:

    •  Standard Deviation: Reflects the returns fluctuations againsts its own mean - value to give a fair idea about the Fund's volatility.
    • Beta Measure: Reflects the systematic risk (related to the benchmark) assigned to each of the Funds.
    • Sharpe Ratio : Reflects the excess return over the risk -free return per unit of its volatility.
    • Treynor Ratio: Reflects the excess return over the risk -free returns per unit of the systematic  risk the Fund is exposed to.
    • Jensen's Alpha (Differential Return); Reflects  the return that is expected for the Fund, given its risk exposure and compares that with the return actually realized over the period under study.